
A Woman named Laura

 Auston Tesch: I want to share with you the story of a woman named Laura, whose life has been a testament to those around her about prayer and miracles. Laura’s early years of marriage were filled with the excitement of starting a family, but despite their best efforts, Laura and her husband faced a challenging road ahead. For many years, the couple tried treatment after treatment, struggling to conceive, left heartbroken each time.  In the midst of their struggles, Laura and her husband turned to their faith and began to  pray fervently to God for guidance, strength and a miracle. Laura found solace in her  conversations with her father, seeking answers to her questions and comfort during her  moments of doubt. Her unwavering belief and patience are a testament to her character and  determination. Laura and her husband's prayers were finally answered 5 years into her infertility journey they adopted their oldest son Auston, Then they were presented with an...

Beautiful Horizons

 The Tesch family is in Peru! I can't wait to hear about their adventures next week when I go up to Utah. Meanwhile I noted in the pictures sent on messages how good Jeffrey and Laura are together. It is heart warming to see the love they share. I am curious to know where they have gone and what it is like in Peru. The ocean, the city and the temple for sure. What did they think about this place?

Early Memories

  Some early memories that I have. The first memories that come to mind are of course in the Clinton house. I remember I got to sleep with Linda or Susan down in their room but I peed the bed and so I think I went back to the nursery. So that's a memory. [Linda Ann: I think every kid we had sleep with us peed the bed one night or another] I don't remember exactly but I remember their beds in the basement room. [LA Depends…..Susan and I shared a room all in pink, later I had a ‘private space’, large bed in the living room with a curtain for privacy. With younger siblings there is no privacy.].   I remember the nursery. I remember jumping from bunk bed to bed.  I don't remember who got the butterfly Band-Aid from hitting their head. [Linda Ann: It was Steven, we were playing – I was supposed to be tending – and he got a cut on a sharp corner when we were jumping off places we were not supposed to jump off. He got a gash in his forehead and the blood was everywhere! I a...

Sisters Lunch

 Susie is a hub where family likes to meet. She has always been someone who will invite others for dinner, take care of children, think of new ideas, and gather her family and friends. On Sunday, Susie sent a picture of the Sister's Freezer Meal day for Laura, They were also celebrating Donna's birthday. So my interpretation is that they got together to make some freezer meals for Laura when she is feeling too ill to make something, and letting Donna know she is loved and appreciated.

Story in Her Own Voice

  Laura is going to dictate her story on Marco Polo, which I will transcribe,  so we can have her own voice tell her story.    Laura: I guess, maybe I'll just start by telling just a little bit why I'm here. On December 26th my hip was really hurting, and I had to kind of crawl around and I went that way for a few weeks then on January 18th I decided to go to the emergency room because I just couldn't work, I couldn't do anything, so I went to the emergency room. They did a CT scan of my hip that included my lung area. The doctor came back to me and said, “hey the nodes in your lung are growing.  I was like, “I don't know what you're talking about”, “I wanted you to look at my hip”.     He said that I had some nodes that looked like they had grown since September, so then he sent me to an oncologist who did a CT scan. He found that there were four tumors in my lung, he also found out that there were four tumors - one here (pointing to her arm...

Saturday Visit

 Susan's invitation to her home was because Michael was going through the temple for his endowment and the family was invited to come afterwards to visit and for a meal. Another one of those family building blocks. Relationships flourish in personal contacts, chats, visits, and doing things together. The Lore's definitely get together for visits often. We wish Michael all the best. On a tender mercy side note in the family: Susan and I were talking and I noted that Susie was a little stressed and tired. She is a member of the committee for the Widow and Widowers that is hosting a meet and greet with hundreds of people. There are a lot of details and not enough hands to do the work. Several people have told her to drop the committee and have other people do it. But others are not stepping up and Susan feels that someone was there for her and these new widows and widowers need someone for them. I told her she ought to get a blessing, and she said she had already thought of that, ...

Surrounded by Blessings

 Laura has a really wonderful attitude of gratitude when she recounted her blessings this week. She told me that today her ward would be fasting for her. She told me about a beautiful mask that a lady in the ward made for her. She explained how Donna had come over to give her a treatment with a rub that opens pores and absorbs cancer fighting elements into the skin. Donna also made Laura juice drinks to help fight the war. Some of her friends from high school came to visit and wish her well.  She feels very confident and happy with her young doctor oncologist who is from India. She said her radiation oncologist was an older, wise, and experienced man that knows what he is doing. All of which is very good because the treatments for her brain are not so fun and are definitely different than any normal doctor visit. The radiation oncologist explained to her how they are going to put her head in a mask or helmet that covers her head except for her eyes, nose, and mouth, then bolt ...