I made it back to Guam safely
David's Perspective
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I made it back to Guam safely. Kosrae is a wonderful place. The people are warm and friendly. They are so humble, so faith filled. They are very poor. The poverty is widespread, but the people are filled with generosity and compassion. Most of the homes have no glass in the windows, many have no doors, just a board to keep the pigs and dogs out. Most had no electricity or running water. Some of the homes get their water from the run off from their roofs. Many homes are simple shelters that protect from the sun and rain. Most of the cooking is over wood fires. Food is usually simple and grown or caught on family land or the ocean and rivers. Coconuts, taro, bananas, mangoes, papayas, rice, eels, fish, crabs, shellfish, pig, and chicken are all grown and caught locally.
I had met and worked with Elkin earlier and so I knew a few people on the island. I brought a few small simple presents. One was a tie, he had seen me wear a bright blue tie and admired it. I brought him one and gave it to Elkin. He was grateful because he just had one tie and it was getting old, dirty, and worn. We were picking up leaders for some interviews and we stopped to pick up Yulsin. Yulsin had been fishing and walked up with 5 small fish for dinner. He immediately offered me his fish. These were fish he had just caught for his and his family’s dinner. I declined and we were waiting for him to get dressed. Elkin noticed that he didn’t have a tie so he gave him his tie, not the old one but his new bright blue tie. It was just a couple of examples of the love and generosity I witnessed in the few days I was there.
Some of the things I found so endearing were the smiles and the goodness of the population. Crime is almost nonexistent, there are extreme needs but very little theft or any other crime. They have so many outstanding virtues, culturally many are very shy. But because of the loving and giving attitude they go out of their way to make strangers feel welcome, they have a thankful culture. They continually face challenges, food, water transportation, etc. but it seemed to me they are more grateful for all the things they do have. Their way of life seemed to have gratitude at its center, prayers were most often “we are so thankful.” Their heartfelt thanks for the abundant blessings were even more touching as I compared my life to theirs. They have a simple faith—an uncluttered, uncomplicated faith in Our Heavenly Father. It is a land of beautiful, God-loving people, giving, caring and grateful.
Pray for Me Every Day
As I arrived, they all decided I was a representative of the Lord and they immediately began to pray for me every day. They prayed for the missionaries and immediately added me to the routine. I felt their acceptance and the peace of the spirit as the Holy Ghost directed our movements. I worked with the missionaries and met with as many members as possible.
We taught about Christ, got to know their families, and bore our testimonies. Jesus Christ is the center of everything. The saving and healing powers of the Atonement of Jesus Christ are the foundation of why we are on the earth. Through His Atonement and by the power of the Holy Ghost, we have God in us, in our minds, in our hearts. The Holy Ghost not only can direct us but through the Atonement of Christ the Lord can also empower us, give us a Heavenly way to get help and strength.
Sister Who Loves Me
As I left, my little sister was facing her MRI and the start of treatment and a grim prognosis. I was troubled, sad and worried about her, her family - and I will admit it, I felt sorry for myself, this is the sister that always loved me no matter what. She was always on my side; she was glad to see me and loved me no matter what. She never judged me; she never acted angry with me or showed any offence no matter what I did. I was allowed to tease, make fun of, and harass Laura, and she just smiled and treated me like I was a visiting king. Even as a little girl she would endure my teasing and still love me. Almost every time I saw her, I would tease her because she would mix up my name with Jeff’s. I would regularly tease her about how she found me a free horse named manure, and how she offered to let me ride the calm parts of the river so I could gaze into Jeff’s eyes. She used to call me on an emergency raft trips, and I teased her because she was standing up in the boat when we tipped over, she took it with a smile and gave us her paddle because she was the only one to hang on to one. She has always been a light to me; she loves and overlooks all I do wrong. Every interaction proves she loves me, and now once again she is feeling pain and fear. On the flight over I cried and wanted a miracle to save me the pain of losing my little sister. Yes, I was also thinking of her and her family, but I was not letting the Lord prevail in my life.
One of the Members I met was Maria. Maria asked me for a blessing. She's the grandma of the most active Utwe family. Her grandson got the priesthood on Sunday. She is dying, it is painful, and she has very limited access to modern health care. But she has great faith. She was excited that I came and asked for me to give her a blessing. Before I started she gripped my hand and explained that she had already received the assurance from the Lord that she would soon return, what she was asking for was a blessing that she would be strengthened to deal with her circumstances. She had prayed for the strength to change her abilities. She wanted me to invoke the Lord’s Power to seek for the strength to change herself rather than seeking for her conditions to be changed.
We Can Trust The Lord
Often we teach about Christ, we sing songs about Christ, but do we have that deep trust that He Knows best. Is our testimony only based on how He helps us achieve what we want? As we deepen testimonies of Christ and trust Him, trust in His Atoning Sacrifice we will feel Peace. After I gave that blessing I felt peace. I know Our Loving Heavenly Father and our Loving Brother have a plan. All those things we feel are unfair, - we can let them go. We can trust the Lord and have peace in Our Savior’s Plan. The Lord is fair. He cares for His children no matter where they are. Rich or poor, hut or mansion, Heavenly Father loves us, and that is the reason He sent His Son Jesus Christ, because He loves us absolutely. Our Brother volunteered because of His Eternal Love.
In Mosiah 24 Alma and his people are being persecuted by Amulon. In verse 14, the voice of the Lord said “And I will also ease the burdens which are put upon your shoulders, that even you cannot feel them upon your backs.” Alma’s people were empowered through the Atonement to change themselves “in the strength of the Lord.”
In verse 15 the Lord lightened their burden: “And now it came to pass that the burdens which were laid upon Alma and his brethren were made light; yea, the Lord did strengthen them that they could bear up their burdens with ease, and they did submit cheerfully and with patience to all the will of the Lord”
Alma 31:31 O Lord, wilt thou grant unto me that I may have strength, that I may suffer with patience these afflictions which shall come upon me, because of the iniquity of this people”
33 “Wilt thou grant unto them that they may have strength, that they may bear their afflictions which shall come upon them because of the iniquities of this people”
Their afflictions were not removed and often ours are not either. The power of the Atonement of Christ strengthens us to do things we could never do on our own. Sometimes I wonder if in our world of microwave ovens and cell phones and air-conditioned homes, cars, and jobs, are we trusting God or the arm of flesh. Do I remember my need, daily, of the power of the Atonement.
I Was Healed
After the blessing I was healed. I felt at peace. The miracle of the Atonement was active in my heart. This tiny faithful lady had brought to my heart the thing I should have known. I know Laura will be covered by the Atonement, she may be cured, or she could feel her loving Fathers arms around her, both Heavenly and earthly, but either way she will be made whole. She will have the blessings of our Heavenly Fathers Plan.
I met Hector. He lives in an old house that was once nice but now has little of the home left. He has no income but farms and fishes to take care of his needs. He was excited to meet us and loved to talk about his blessing from the Lord. He was so grateful he told us how much the Lord had done for him. He was excited that I could pick him up for church and save him the 13-mile walk. He was thrilled that we were opening the Utwe branch only 2 miles away. As I spent time with Hector I felt the Lord in our midst. Through Hector, the missionaries, and others I truly felt as if the Lord was speaking and teaching us the way we should go. I felt inspired by these faithful, grateful members. God really is both just and merciful, giving to all who stand with Him “all that he hath.” Hector is truly kind, and is grateful that God is kind. It is a happy way to live.
Sasaki George
As I walked up to Sasaki George’s house the Holy Ghost spoke to me not quite in words, but almost. I knew this was the home of one of the Lord's leaders, when I met him I felt a light, that is the only way I can describe it, I felt a Light. I was excited because I was looking for a new Branch President. As we talked I found out that he had recently returned to church after being inactive and away. I set up an interview for the next day. As I interviewed Brother George, I wanted to call him to be the branch President and had a persuasive impression that he would be a powerful influence to bring the church forward in Kosrae. Here he was. I needed a branch president, here was a leader, but the inspiration didn’t come. I knew he would be a wonderful leader, but the Lord didn’t inspire me to call him. The Lord didn’t inspire me to call anyone, He didn’t inspire President Okuda to call anyone. We left without issuing a call to anyone. In my interview I learned that he was a Senator in the Kosraean government, that he was baptized about 15 years ago and was the first Branch President of Utwe many years ago. He has a strong testimony and has recently been inspired to return to church.
Smith Erwin
The missionaries were a little reluctant to introduce me to Smith Erwin, he is from Chuuk and often gives them a hard time. I bowed as I met him and looked into his eyes, I saw a wonderful strong man with a testimony. I felt inspired to ask about his experience with the church. He told of his conversion and how he has been lost. He also told of his work and struggle to return to activity. I invited him to come to church and he agreed if he could find a ride and if it didn’t rain. Not much of a promise.
The next morning as I was picking up the leaders to take them to the church for a meeting we met Smith walking in the rain to church. He was 4 miles from his house with 9 more to go.
Jimmy Ittu
Jimmy Ittu has been inactive for a long time and doesn’t worry about the word of wisdom. He was chopping wood. We asked him if we could help but he said no, but he offered to help us. We found that the wood was for a disabled man that lived alone down the street, and he splits it small and slips it under the hut wall by the stove so the man could use it without getting up. He liked to sneak it in so he didn’t have to hear him thank him. Jimmy is rowdy and loud but his quiet ministering to the one, shows his true spirit. I received the impression that if he was reactivated, he would prove to be a great missionary. Ministering to someone in need is truly Christlike.
At church I listened to the speakers and even though I could not understand the words I understood the spirit. I learned that the Holy Ghost is the teacher and that he will teach us as much as we are willing to be taught, as much as we were prepared and willing to receive. It is a very spiritual moment to observe the blessing of the Lord in our lives and the lives of those around us. It is not necessarily what was said but what we received from the Spirit.
I received a clear understanding of how faith motivated these people to act and that it is our responsibility to know and follow our Father’s Plan of Happiness.
Kosrae changed the way I feel and think
Kosrae changed the way I feel and think. It was hard to feel bad when those around me were so grateful. It is hard to complain when they are telling me about their blessings. It also helped me to understand a little better the Savior’s Atonement.
In Alma 7: 11 “And he shall go forth, suffering pains and afflictions and temptations of every kind; and this that the word might be fulfilled which saith he will take upon him the pains and the sicknesses of his people”.
The Savior suffered for our iniquities. Yes, that is what allows us to return to him, but He also suffered for the pain, the anguish, the grief, the unfairness, and the inequality that often overwhelms us.
In verse 12: “And he will take upon him death, that he may loose the bands of death which bind his people; and he will take upon him their infirmities, that his bowels may be filled with mercy, according to the flesh, that he may know according to the flesh how to succor his people according to their infirmities”
Our Loving Brother perfectly knows and understands, He “took on” our burdens before we did. He paid the price and carried that burden, He understands perfectly, He can extend to us His arm of mercy in so many ways in our life. He can reach out, touch, and succor and strengthen us. He will run to help us. To reach out and bless our lives. He will help us to be more than we could ever be and help us to do things we could never do on our own.
God really is both just and merciful, giving to all who stand with Him “all that he hath,” He is fair.
The Suffering in this Life Will End
The suffering in this life will end, and Heavenly Fathers justice and most especially His mercy, will resolve all the “why’s” and what if we face now. The Lord loves us. He is our Father. My Dad always used to tell me to look at things from the eternal perspective. We can trust Our Savior to guide our lives. The Lord promises that our trials, or as my Dad always called them “opportunities for growth”, will “work for our good”. In D&C 121:7–8 “thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment; and then if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high”.
Because He suffered, we are not alone in our “opportunities for growth”. The Savior understands the pain we are going through and offers peace, and healing, we just need to be “still and know he is God”. Because of the healing and blessing power of the Atonement, we can come unto Christ, know Him and feel the peace in our soul.
I love Kosrae, there were so many more people that I met, each person left an impression on my soul and I will never be the same.
David E. Lore March 3, 2023
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