Reflection, memories, and stories


I asked my family for stories that we could put together to help Laura through the rough times. All of these pictures have stories and wonders attached.......but I don't know them. It has been fun guessing when and where and who.

Notice the full head of hair - not grey and all the faces without wrinkles - mom's house or someone else's?

Ogden lights with small grandchildren...which grandchildren?
years ago at a church for a reunion?

Definitely Donna's wedding at the Great Salt Lake - Amy, Jessica, Krystal, and Krista

I want to say Kayleen and Reynold long ago......but what if these are Kayleen's kids? I haven't been around  much after Kayleen got married. In fact I don't think I have seen her second......

Wow, look at that very young man. Is John coming or going on a mission? Where are they? Davey in the corner? 


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