Laura is going to dictate her story on Marco Polo, which I will transcribe, so we can have her own voice tell her story. Laura: I guess, maybe I'll just start by telling just a little bit why I'm here. On December 26th my hip was really hurting, and I had to kind of crawl around and I went that way for a few weeks then on January 18th I decided to go to the emergency room because I just couldn't work, I couldn't do anything, so I went to the emergency room. They did a CT scan of my hip that included my lung area. The doctor came back to me and said, “hey the nodes in your lung are growing. I was like, “I don't know what you're talking about”, “I wanted you to look at my hip”. He said that I had some nodes that looked like they had grown since September, so then he sent me to an oncologist who did a CT scan. He found that there were four tumors in my lung, he also found out that there were four tumors - one here (pointing to her arm...